L'heure espagnole (Spring Opera), Stevens Center 2021

Properties Artisan

This show was an amazing opportunity to integrate my technical design skills with my properties fabrication. An interesting challenge was brought up with this opera, which revolves around a clockmaker. We had to design and fabricate grandfather clocks that supported singers inside, while being light enough for the singers to lift and carry overhead.

I drafted and engineered these clocks in AutoCAD, then fabricated from gatorboard (Foam-core). We finished the surfaces with tape and joint compound and I had to switch productions at the paint stage, but the props crew finished.

The base for the 1st clock, slots cut out for walls to slide down into and laminate to sides. Once general shape was confirmed I added in a honeycomb support system in that large open area.

The base for the 1st clock, slots cut out for walls to slide down into and laminate to sides. Once general shape was confirmed I added in a honeycomb support system in that large open area.

The 2nd clock base, this had a similar support system to the 1st except all the walls and toggles were angled to line flush to the ground. All joints were secured with PVA glue and pinned overnight.

The 2nd clock base, this had a similar support system to the 1st except all the walls and toggles were angled to line flush to the ground. All joints were secured with PVA glue and pinned overnight.

Two ribs were made to support the rounded gatorboard and then kerfed supports followed the curve connecting the base to the top.

Two ribs were made to support the rounded gatorboard and then kerfed supports followed the curve connecting the base to the top.

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This gag was one of the main purposes for the doors opening.

This gag was one of the main purposes for the doors opening.

We ended up getting the total weight of the clocks to around 16lbs.

We ended up getting the total weight of the clocks to around 16lbs.

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1st clock base, the height was 6’6” from the ground.

1st clock base, the height was 6’6” from the ground.

I did multiple kerf tests with gatorboard and ultimately the easiest and most efficient way to get our curve was using the table saw at 1-1/2” increments.

I did multiple kerf tests with gatorboard and ultimately the easiest and most efficient way to get our curve was using the table saw at 1-1/2” increments.

The third clock had an intricate shape and did not open or bear weight. I designed it in AutoCAD and created a toolpath to CNC layers of insulation foam and laminate them together like a triscuit.

The third clock had an intricate shape and did not open or bear weight. I designed it in AutoCAD and created a toolpath to CNC layers of insulation foam and laminate them together like a triscuit.

All 3 clocks under stage lighting.

All 3 clocks under stage lighting.

The Hinges for the door were secured by sandwiching foam and small pieces of wood for support.

The Hinges for the door were secured by sandwiching foam and small pieces of wood for support.

These Panels needed to be refinished using this fabric wallpaper, my first experience with wallpapering.

These Panels needed to be refinished using this fabric wallpaper, my first experience with wallpapering.

