Santa Fe Opera 2024 Season
Properties Artisan
I spent the 2024 season at the Santa Fe Opera as a props artisan. I technically engineered and fabricated all props and scenic elements with ease of handling and rep at the forefront. This was a great opportunity for me to also give back to the new apprentices and teach them things that I wish I had learned at their age.
First sample from moulding jig.
Jig made in order to create corner sections with custom profiles.
Frame with body work added and sculpted.
I sandwiched a piece of two way acrylic inside the frame in order to achieve the “ghost” scene with Don G.
Mirror installed using two part epoxy for no visible fasteners.
A segmented sofa base I had to add steel framing too. Plywood was original (2015)
Bendy Ply added as skirt.
Top section added. Previously built before me.
Created a template using painters tape of the seat profile. Then cut it out from plywood to fine adjust before wasting any wood.
Scale model I was given for the Don G keyholder and asked to replicate.
Clock given to me by designer, wanted this piece to be separate from key holder.
Body work done by myself and Paint done by our team.
Key Holder in its position held up through French cleats.
All painted parts are original and I was asked to redesign this lamp recycling those parts. I created a new base that has a larger profile to support the battery and counterweight.
Rough carved on the bandsaw to reduce weight and excess.
Test fitting foam blank around structure. Also added an arm to support a pub sign I built.
Needed a set of bar taps for Don G that could mechanically function.
Paint treatment done by our amazing Props Paint team!
Example of frames internal structure.
Finished piece before it was sent to Paints to faux finish.
BC plywood mitered and laminated with birch plywood.
Removable handrail added to ease maneuvering.
New pot bases needed. Through bolted the underside.
Sample of moulding desired for Don G Mirror.
Almost finished frame from Pink foam with all profiles.
Don G frame after body work.
Silver Leaf applied by our wonderful Prop Paints team!
In addition to the mirror frame we had about 25 other frames that needed to be cleated on to these moving walls in order for ease of repping.
New base with added structure and ply that attaches to metal and supports Bendy ply.
Access holes for removing of the top section for storage.
Upholstery added by our amazing Crafts dpt.
Received factory frames that needed lids for the seat.
Chair top with bevel for foam and upholstery.
The start of my Key holder build. Needed to be extremely light and easy to maneuver as it was involved in a few scene changes.
Foam ribs added and covered with Sintra sheets cut to size.
Finished piece on a transport cart I made for our run crew.
Side View of Holder and cart.
Laminated a foam blank to create new lamp base.
Foam blank as big as I could make it while still fitting our lathe.
Blank cut in half in order for me to hollow it out and fit it around the Lamp structure.
Original profile vs the new one.
Simple mechanism for making the levers move. Hex bolts that threaded into the beer taps, and then pinned through those plywood boxes in order to make a lever.
The designer order about 20 of these chairs that couldn’t support the weight of the singers so I had to lead our apprentices in redesigning these chairs to support upwards of 300lbs. All chairs had channels routed out for steel to be inset and then welded/bolted to original frame to add structure.
Mass assembly process.
Cross lightbox I created for an original Opera during this season.
Backside with support and LED.
Finished cross.
Unique pin situation needed.