Luna Gale-Lead Carpenter

First show as a lead carpenter, leading a 7 person crew in Patrons 2019. I got a very good grasp on how I effectively communicate and delegate during this show. The process from green light to strike was a very educational one.

Hand routed MDF panels and attached to a Broadway frame, the MDF handles were all made in the shop and the name plates were laser etched.

Hand routed MDF panels and attached to a Broadway frame, the MDF handles were all made in the shop and the name plates were laser etched.

Added false proscenium, chained to pipe grid.

Added false proscenium, chained to pipe grid.

Decking system is installed.

Decking system is installed.

Back wall process.

Back wall process.

Installed decking system.

Installed decking system.

Added Broadway flats to close the false proscenium and create a viewing room.

Added Broadway flats to close the false proscenium and create a viewing room.


Still Life with Rocket


Miscellaneous Projects